Had to tear down the bike to get ready for a trip and an overall 30k maintenance and damn did this take some time. Harley had a service warning on their cam chain tensioners about the chain digging into the tensioner. I bought the parts a while back but just kept putting off the rebuild. thankfully I did it just in time before a road trip as the tensioners had already exploded and there was just enough material left before the chains dug into the metal turning my beloved dyna into heaping mess requiring an entire engine overhaul Had to buy $100 bucks in tools and another $170 in parts and opted to stay with the tensioners instead of going with the gear driven cams simply due to cost. The gear driven cams will cost about $650 and then if a shop was to put it together, tack on close to a grand in service work, screw that hombre! The upgraded tensionsers are supposed to be of a higher quality material so we shall see. Bike sounded good when I fired it up, now a test ride tomorrow to check for random engine rattle or noise, but should be good.
Limpnickie Lot & Cycle Source Magazine are having a party, and you are invited… It’s called The Big Mountain Run 2009 and kicks off on June 18th. The Cycle Source Magazine and the Limpnickie Lot Builders present the first annual “Big Mountain Run” in Tennessee June 18, 19 & 20.
Three days of camping, white water rafting, riding the Smokey Mountains and music featuring national recording artists: Nine Pound Hammer. Vendors as well as food will be on site and the whole deal is just $10, for a day pass, $20 for two and $30 to stay all three and that includes your camping.
And if all that isn’t enough, we’re throwing a bonus round: Make it to Tilley’s Harley-Davidson by noon on Wednesday June 17th and you can leave with all of us on a two day Gypsy run. We’ll be stopping the first day at the Wheels Through Time museum in Maggie valley for a private tour of the best motorcycle museum in the land. After camping that night, we’ll hit Deals gap that next morning where we’ll take on the Dragon, the Cherohola Skyway and finally drop down route 315, ending at our camp and event site in Reliance.
The campsite is the Hiwassee Outfitters in Reliance TN and it sits right at the edge of some of the greatest riding in the whole country. For more information, maps, local hotel info or to purchase your advance tickets, go to
On trips with a lot of miles, pegs just suck. My leg tends to cramp up on my brake side, as I can rest my left left on my primary and just aches. So why spend several hundred bucks on a new set up when you can spend about 20 bucks at Lowes and make some simple floorboards. I used angle iron, perforated steel and grade 8 bolts to make these suckers. In a perfect world I would have had a tig welder to make everything super smooth but I just have my Hobart 140 mig set up with no gas, so it had to do. Works for me and will allow me to not have leg cramps on 500 to 800 mile days from now on.