Nothing better than having soft crabs in the summer with the fam. Great new dockside restaurant in Rumbley, MD. Its right on the docks and serves cold beer and tasty Maryland soft crabs. good times for sure.
found this photo on the Broken Spoke Saloon's site for New Orleans bike week and I just started laughing. Here ya go Chaz, we found where you were lurking to promote your winning of the Rat Bastard Trophy for your old Pan'. I guess Sylvester Stallone was a big fan as well. Background props none the less! photo is courtesy of whoever took it and I got it from the
Damn! I am still kickin' myself on how great a time this rally was. From the new folks I met up with and can't wait to ride with again to the bitchin' roads we covered. The trip was fantastic from the start. All the folks from Pittsburgh were solid people, Marilyn from Iron Works is one of the coolest people I have met along with Pat from Led Sled Customs and Benji killin' the ramp. Can't wait to hang with yall again and for the ridin' crew that are newfound brothers. Billy Velvet, Triumph Brett, Cajun Chaz and I put some miles down and loved every minute of it. Hells Yeah! Thank you Cycle Source for bringin' all of us gypsies together, til' next time!
Working on the dyna all day to get ready for the Big Mountain Run out to Reliance, TN. Gonna be a bitchin' weekend that Cycle Source mag is puttin' on and will have a lot of footage of the debauchery. Til' then hombres, keep the rubber on the road! Cycle Source
this is such a welcome sight to see, about damn time. Will never forget the night that Motorhead played the club I used to work at in San Francisco, the Great American Music Hall. One of the opening bands for which I can't remember which one it was but I don't think it was either God Forbid or Soil but the other opener which I can't remember. Dude came running up to me from down in the dressing rooms during sound check and telling me that Lemmy stole all their beer. I immediately felt like I saw this person as if they were in the 4th grade crying about the bully stealing their school lunch. Told him there wasn't much I could do and he had to take it up with Lemmy. Then the dude in question decides to confront Mr. Kilmeister about the drinks, the prompt answer he got before he could even finish was "Fuck off, I'm Lemmy". I thought I would shit my pants laughing and then Lemmy then of course sidled up to the bar and got a whiskey before we opened the doors for the show. Of course as it turns out Lemmy brought a 50 gallon cooler off the bus and loaded up all of their drinks, when they were all bullshitting elsewhere. He was super cool with us at the club and a stand up dude. Truly a tale I will laugh about for years to come.
I was diggin' through the scrap bin at the welding shop down at the local community college during shop one night and found this piece of randomness. Apparently when one of the students wanted to learn a bit more finesse with his TIG welding skills, he figured spelling out words with some rod and tungsten would be fun. Well, I give it up to him as he did indeed spell it right and I hate to think that I was the one who stole the sign off of his door listing his products for sale. But then again he if doesn't make it as a welder there are more career opportunities available.
While stopping to grab a swig of water on the side of the road, I stepped right on this cool old multi tool. The simplicity of it is what caught my eye at first. Granted it wouldn't work on many applications with tight corner or fittings but for random uses and a catch all tool, it was a damn cool find. Going to put it in my baking soda and electrolyte homemade rust bath and clean it up to see how it looks.
This cotter pin is huge and quite heavy, definitely old and and its a solid cast piece of iron. If anyone has any clue where exactly this part went on the freight cars would be psyched to know about it. Found it on the side of the tracks sticking out the dirt in Thurmond, West Virginia. Amazing little town in Thurmond, at its busiest it had around 20,000 residents and the only way in was by rail. Today it has about 4 people
What a great trip this turned out to be, but started a week later due to torrential downpours. Chief and Steve set out from Maryland and I met them just outside of Richmond, VA. We ventured through mountains, pastures, river valleys and flat lands through seven states. Only mechanical mixup was a slight oil leak on my rebuilt cams but nothing like a bit of roadside surgery with gasket sealer to get that fixed. Met some great folks and saw places in the country I never thought I would see and cannot wait to venture back. Do yourself a favor and get out and see what a great country we live in. Plus, the folks in many of the places we traveled could sure as hell use some tourism dollars to help them out, hard times in the hollers for sure.