The seat pan has been a daunting challenge in actuality. Was trying to design it so I could easily pop it on and off but realized there was no need since I can access it underneath through the frame. I am using 10 gauge plate but didn't have a cutting torch so I had to create a way to make the bends I needed easily. I decided to cut into the steel about a .25 of the way through with a cutting wheel, where I needed to make a bend. This would allow me to be able to make the bends easier and could keep most of the structural integrity. Going to get the seat covered in leather with a small cushion should look quite good. Now I just have to make the back cafe style section behind the seat and this will also house my tailight and license plate. Should be minimal sheetmetal work if I can plot it out correctly but will need to be structurally sound and easy to detach if need be.