As the years passed and I needed more and more from my strict diet of hardcore and thrash, other bands and genres started to emerge on my noise o'meter, that just hit home. These cats are one of them, with their sludgy riffs, snarling vocals and sludgy barrage of sound. Its that immediacy of the moment or the time in which you feel the songs are being written as they go, due to how wide open the sound is. Amazing what we missed out on once we slow down just a bit and glad to see that those dudes are simply still alive from their past exploits.
All I can say is thanks for playing that basement party back in the day with 13 and the Peetanks. What an eye opening night for an impressionable skate rat just figuring out what is this thing called Rock.
Even Better if ya want to see them with our boys in Antiseen, check out the show in Spartanburg, SC on February 4, 2011 at Ground Zero.