I tend to find a lot of random elements online due to the nature of my business and do to the fact that my work keeps me online at all times. Found this little nugget of a bike today that is quite cool. Imagine you are perusing Craigslist ads for old bikes or the beloved Ebay and happen to come across a Honda Goldwing. Would you immediately think of it as the perfect bike for a Cafe Racer, I highly doubt it.
Kevin Rowland is a different type of thinker, he finds beauty in many places and decided to reinvigorate a junked 1983 GL1100 into something that looks fun as hell to ride. After jettisoning 300 lbs of weight, adding new carbs from a VW, GSXR front end, custom swing arm and a newly fabbed up tank from an old CB750, a new lease on life was in order for this derelict of a bike. We dig it.
Check on more from Kevin Rowland on Behance