Below is a post direct from ol' Wild Wild Wes of the Crude as Elvis band of hell raisers. If yer in the eastern Carolinas or Virginia Beach area and want to get out on a ride to help someone in need, join the party...
A couple days ago I got a call from my homie Krazy Kyle in regards to a
friend of ours having a pretty nasty wreck on his bike. Honkey rides a
sick as rigid evo chop that a few of us in this area lust after every
time he takes her out. Ah shit sorry off track. Well honkey was Rollin
down the street and a car pulled out in front of him and well as the
story goes shit got nasty. Long story short he is bout 9 surgeries deep
with rumors of more to come. So his friends and familia are tryin to put
together a little run in hopes of scoring a little scratch or least to
boost some hopes and dreams of a speedy recovery. Kyle asked me to
spread some word.hope to see some folks out.