Creativity comes in a plethora of forms. It could be the combustible engine that provides the transportation we all dig so much or it could be mixing sculpture and illustration with a similar rationale. Whatever the case may be or the element we individually enjoy, folks such as Chris Sickels are truly gifted with their design ideas.
If you happen to read any design magazines or seen any advertising with his work, his style is truly distinctive. The fact that he digs motorcycles and adds them to his work, just heightens our appreciation for his craft. Dig into the video below to learn more about Chris Sickels and his company
Red Nose Studio out of Greenfield, Indiana
"Chris Sickels is an illustrator from Greenfield, Indiana. He rides a 1965 Harley-Davidson Pacer, a 175cc two-stroke with unabashed nicks and dings. We visited Red Nose Studio where his world of sculpted puppets and miniature environments line the walls and crowd his desks.Chris creates three-dimensional scenes built strictly for photographic illustrations that will later be utilized in magazines, books, and other marketing collateral. Two particular pieces commanded our attention. One is a dapper, gangling fellow on a fictitiously elongated BMW and the other is a cafĂ© racing character on a gritty Norton. The latter features a headlight made from a Dremeled-down eyeglass lens, some faux-rust for convincing patina, and a tiny-but-accurate pudding bowl helmet atop an oddly proportioned rider, all contributing to the awkward authenticity of Chris’ work."
Red Nose Studio character sculpture and illustration Cafe Racer |
Red Nose Studio character sculpture and illustration film maker |
Red Nose Studio character sculpture and illustration detail of Cafe Racer |
Red Nose Studio character sculpture and illustration wild west gunslinger |
Red Nose Studio character sculpture and illustration in a Shelby Cobra on blocks |