Mario Rubalcaba, Keith Morris, Dimitri Coats and Steve McDonald are Off! |
The fellas in Off! need little to no introduction. Check out the lineup and you know for sure that some good shit is about to go down. After missing them a few times, we finally get to check out their set later next month, hells yes! Below is a cool write up from
"How are you doing?
I'm doing pretty good, I'm experiencing the heaviness and
fucked-upped-ness of allergy season. I've experienced like two or three
days where I would have this thing in my throat, like acid reflux. I
experience it every now and then if I eat the wrong thing but this has
just been brutal. Like fuck, man, what is it? Throat cancer or
bronchitis? This is pretty uncool. So I'm feeling that and because of
that I get this like post nasal. You know it starts in your nose and
your eyes and it goes to your ears and it goes to the back of your
throat? I have a tendency to eat thick and heavy food, and I dig dairy
and dairy just creates phlegm and so you're just laying in bed at night
and it's just balling up in your sinuses and then it rolls down into
your throat and it rolls down into your stomach so you wake up in the
morning with a stomach ache and your throat's sore and your nose is all
itchy and your eyes are all scratchy and everything. It's just really
such a wonderful thing to experience. I wish it upon everybody. It's
like you've not lived life unless you've experienced the discomfort of
allergies, whether it be food or whether it just be pollen or weeds or
grass. Whatever is in the air. Our weather here is really fucked up,
too. I mean we've got really nice weather right now but two days ago it
was raining and the day before that we were supposed to have the worst
thunderstorm, the worst rain that we've had at this time of the year. We
have all of these people who don't believe in the global warming thing,
which is fine, but how do you explain all of the flooding in the
Midwest and you know how all of the weird fuckin' tornadoes? We just had
a bunch. What was it, like, Oklahoma or Nebraska or somewhere? Indiana?
But you know there's supposed to be certain times of year where things
are just supposed to be nice and you're supposed to be able to just
drive along and not experience any fucked up weird wacky changes in the
weather. And now all of a sudden we're getting all of that stuff. So
these people need to get more real about what's happening at the North
Pole, you know?
It sounds like fodder for song writing.
Yes. The heavens are going to open and you're all going to hell. So you better believe.
Well, what is "I Got News for You” about?
Well, a lot of our songs are very angry. A lot of finger-pointing. There
was a reunion, a couple of reunion shows with one of the bands I was
in, in the very beginning of my musical career. I was one of the
founding members. And it got really ridiculous. It just spiraled into, —
there could've been some more things written for Spinal Tap. And
in the process I realized why I left in the first place. It was pretty
much one guy's band and everybody else were just players in it,
everybody else were just parts. Everybody was kind of like the New
England Patriots: Bill Belichick, the way he looks at all of the players
with the exception of say, Tom Brady. You can't replace Tom Brady, but
all of the other people, well, you could get a new running back or a new
wide receiver or replace a defensive lineman. And that was that. It
wasn't even a revolving door. But if you look at the family tree there
were, oh I don't know, four singers in the band, four different bass
players, and how many drummers? My friend Billy Stevenson was the
drummer in the Descendants. Probably besides Greg Ginn, Billy was in the
band longer than anyone else. But it was, everybody came and went. But
the situation that I was in, I went to a couple of rehearsals and I got
there and I was just blown away by the building that the rehearsals were
taking place in. I was excited, because I love the band, I love the
music, and I was a part of it. And the situation, it just turned into
this comedy of errors. And when they finally did do the reunion shows I
was asked to not be a part of it. You know, when I left the band we were
only playing 16 songs and we were working on 4 other songs. So it was
one of these situations where, if you blinked your eyes, four or five
songs would've passed you by. I'm completely lost. Are you there?
I am.
Shit. I'm just spaced out.
We were talking about "I Got News for You."
The situation was that there are a lot of people that don't have good
things to say about the character. You're full of yourself and you know,
go on and do whatever you're gonna do, but there's just, it's pretty
much just a spiteful, hateful kind of song. And having been in the
situation and it's a finger pointing type of song. You know, "you're
bulletproof and nobody can get at you, so you just go on about doing
what you're doing." It's a character in real life. And it's not
pretentious. It's very much drenched in anger. The situation was: I left
a band and when I left the band everybody really disliked me. And
there were a few events that went down and this is something that's gone
on throughout time with people in bands, and people playing music,
people stealing music, people borrowing music. It's all pretty much been
played before, it's just a matter of putting your own spin on it,
putting your own personality into it. A lot of finger pointing, back and
forth: you're this, you're that. Very childish kind of thing. And the
song has almost got a kind of hateful, spiteful, teenage kind of vibe, I
Some would say that's typical of hardcore in a way, right? The
last time we spoke, we talked a lot about the moment hardcore's having
right now, and the audiences it's reaching for what seems like the very
first time.
I don't like using the word hardcore. Unless say, I'm describing, like,
adult entertainment. No, just kidding. The situation is that being in
this band and playing the kind of music that we play, that's what we're
labelled. But we're just like the guys in the band. They're dads and
they've got kids and they've got good hearts and you know when I think
of hardcore I think of like, a biker gang and Hell's Angels and Mongols
and fuckin' beards and leather, and fuckin' steel-toed boots and here
comes the bad gang and they're hardcore and you better get out of their
way. Just because we play angry, hateful, spiteful, very energetic, very
loud, very brief, very to the point kind of music, I don't know if
we're really a hardcore band.
If you were to ask us our influences you would probably say, "Yeah
those influences aren't very hardcore." Cheap Trick is certainly not a
very hardcore band. Although, KISS in a way, looks like what I just
described with the Hell's Angels and the Mongols. We are living in a
time where you know if we were doing this say, 30 years ago, maybe the
moniker would apply. But we're doing a thing now: we only have so much
time, there's only so much of your attention that we can hold onto
because there's so much stuff going on. So it's way more hectic, it's
way more urgent, it's way more in your face. This is what we are, you're
gonna know what we are half way through our first song, and if you're
down with it, cool. If you're not, hey, maybe we might grow on you. And
you know, this isn't about creating the 30 minute opus. We don't have
time. We don't have time to like hang out and jam and like stretch out.
Would you say then that the way you play is more a reflection of right now rather than the way things were?
It's very much about what's happening now. You know, what's happening in
our lives. You've got those few minutes and you've gotta make the best
of them. We don't have the opportunity to turn this into anything more
than it is.
Which is what?
This is a very profound statement: It is what it is. Who said that? Oh, I
forget his name. He was this soul brother character on television. It
was almost like something that would've been said on this comedy show
called Laugh In and it was on Monday nights. We as a band, the
guys in the band, we enjoy each other's company because we don't spend a
lot of time together. It's not like we're a real band and everyone's
breathing down each other's necks. And there's a space for creativity.
It's not a big space. You've gotta get in and you gotta do what you
gotta do but don't be playing all over everybody else's parts. There's a
certain mentality, there's a certain instinct amongst the players.
Everybody knows where to go, and everybody knows where to go and we know
that there's only a certain amount of time to be able to go there. You
know, we know that it's not three-and-a-half minutes and it's not
four-and-a-half minutes or five minutes. It's like let's just pounce on
this and do it. And we don't get to sit around and dwell upon what's
gonna happen with us or what we're gonna do for the next record. When it
comes, it just kind of fuckin' happens, I guess."
Off! Is invading US clubs this fall, get out to this show! |
09-14 Scottsdale, AZ @ Martini Ranch
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09-15 Tucson, AZ @ The Rock
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09-16 Albuquerque, NM @ Launchpad
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09-18 San Antonio, TX @ White Rabbit
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09-20 Houston, TX @ Warehouse Live
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09-21 New Orleans, LA @ Tipitina's
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09-22 Pensacola Beach, FL @ De Luna Fest
09-23 Jacksonville Beach, FL @ Freebird Live
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09-25 St Petersburg, FL @ State Theatre
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09-26 Miami, FL @ Grand Central
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09-27 Orlando, FL @ The Social
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09-28 Atlanta, GA @ The Loft
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09-29 Athens, GA @ 40 Watt Club
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09-30 Raleigh, NC @ Kings Barcade
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10-16 New York, NY @ Irving Plaza
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10-17 Teaneck, NJ @ Mexicali Live
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10-18 Washington, DC @ Black Cat
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10-19 Philadelphia, PA @ First Unitarian Church
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10-21 Cambridge, MA @ The Middle East
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10-22 Montreal, Quebec @ Les Foufounes Electriques
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10-23 Toronto, Ontario @ Wrongbar
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10-25 Cleveland Heights, OH @ Grog Shop
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10-26 Detroit, MI @ St. Andrews Hall
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10-27 Chicago, IL @ The Bottom Lounge
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10-28 St. Paul, MN @ Station 4
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10-30 Omaha, NE @ The Waiting Room
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10-31 Kansas City, MO @ The Record Bar
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11-01 St. Louis, MO @ Fubar
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11-03 Austin, TX @ FFF Fest