On the band front we are currently working on quite a few projects including the new release from Crank County Daredevils, along with ideas on their new videos to be shot later next month. Have a listen to their potential touring partner in the early part of 2010, which is shaping up to be a great year.
The Last Vegas - Myspace
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
New Artwork - Escape From Skull Mountain
As the biker movie theme series continues on, our latest black and white illustration is going to be entitled "Escape From Skull Mountain". Its always fun to sketch and with the ongoing series starting to get some attention we hope to continue it for some time. Final artwork should be finished later this week but a sneak peak will wet the appetite. At a time when its too damn easy to just begin artwork on a computer, we are preferring to go back in time and show how its supposed to be done. The ability to draw the human form is becoming a lost art and we aren't going to let that happen on our watch. Later next year we plan on doing a custom bike show and mix all the artwork from Rusty Knuckles along with the final clothing designs, to show the process. Looking forward to putting it all together so folks can understand just what we are about.
Shop Rusty Knuckles dot com

Shop Rusty Knuckles dot com

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thank you bike robber (Milwaukee, WI)
From Craigslist in Milwaukee, WI:
I would personally like to thank the robber who stole my motorcycle October 2008. I thought this would be a huge burden but it turned out the best for me. I found a really sweet deal on a different motorcycle that didnt have nearly as many problems as that one.
I thought for sure my bike was shipped to a different city or at the very least sold for parts as it has been 11 months! But no. You sir decided to keep it in the city. Thanks to the MKE police they found my motorcycle this past week and it was fully working. Oh and remember all those problems with my old bike? Now this is where the thank you's come about: I was in desperate need of new tires on that bike. I was waiting for winter season to change the tires but you stole my bike before I could do that. Thanks for putting brand new tires on my bike! That windshield I had was complete shit. I didnt like it one bit and neither did you, so thanks for changing the windshield as well. My brakes....those werent too hot either. That was a big expense waiting to happen. But you were nice enough to fix that as well. I really appreciate all the work you did for me and as I usually say, you really didnt have to. Now the only thing I could not stand was that you painted my sweet ass blue bike (people always complimented on the color) to orange. While orange is one of my favorite colors it is something I would not paint my bike. And last, thanks for filling up my gas tank. I knew it was on empty when you stole it but again your nice guy tactics decided to fill it up for me.
I should probably check to see if you did other work for me and update this post later.
Dont try to steal it again as I have moved and now a security person on site 24/7.
Now I have two bikes and I get to decide which bike I want to ride that day. And you got to pay for all the expenses mentioned above plus prosecution from the police. Maybe you should think twice about what your doing and be helpful to society.
I would personally like to thank the robber who stole my motorcycle October 2008. I thought this would be a huge burden but it turned out the best for me. I found a really sweet deal on a different motorcycle that didnt have nearly as many problems as that one.
I thought for sure my bike was shipped to a different city or at the very least sold for parts as it has been 11 months! But no. You sir decided to keep it in the city. Thanks to the MKE police they found my motorcycle this past week and it was fully working. Oh and remember all those problems with my old bike? Now this is where the thank you's come about: I was in desperate need of new tires on that bike. I was waiting for winter season to change the tires but you stole my bike before I could do that. Thanks for putting brand new tires on my bike! That windshield I had was complete shit. I didnt like it one bit and neither did you, so thanks for changing the windshield as well. My brakes....those werent too hot either. That was a big expense waiting to happen. But you were nice enough to fix that as well. I really appreciate all the work you did for me and as I usually say, you really didnt have to. Now the only thing I could not stand was that you painted my sweet ass blue bike (people always complimented on the color) to orange. While orange is one of my favorite colors it is something I would not paint my bike. And last, thanks for filling up my gas tank. I knew it was on empty when you stole it but again your nice guy tactics decided to fill it up for me.
I should probably check to see if you did other work for me and update this post later.
Dont try to steal it again as I have moved and now a security person on site 24/7.
Now I have two bikes and I get to decide which bike I want to ride that day. And you got to pay for all the expenses mentioned above plus prosecution from the police. Maybe you should think twice about what your doing and be helpful to society.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
European Tour Poster - Crank County Daredevils
Just finished up the new European tour poster for the fellas in Crank County Daredevils. They will be on the "Southern Sleaze Invasion" tour starting January 12 and going through the 31st. Will post all tour dates soon. If you haven't been witness to the dawn of a new breed of sleaze rock then be prepared to take a shower after listening to the new album, gonna make a lot of top 10 lists next year...
myspace Crank County Daredevils
myspace Crank County Daredevils

Filmmaker & Photographer Mike Ashcraft
A major part of Rusty Knuckles is working with various bands on a variety of projects from merch, album design & production to management. Recently we were contacted by a filmmaker outta Nashville, TN about doing an exploitation style video for Crank County Daredevils. Needless to say after seeing some of his work we knew it would be a great fit for some of the ideas we had concerning their new album release. Here is a short film called "Hellina" featuring the music of the Lords Of Altamont. Lets just say that for the Crank County Daredevils film its going to be a lot more biker and a lot more sleazy, just how we dig our exploitation films. Stay tuned
Filmmaker and Photographer Mike Ashcraft
Filmmaker and Photographer Mike Ashcraft
Friday, September 25, 2009
Evergreen Terrace - Chaney Can't Quite Riff Like Helmet's...
Have been hearing about these guys for years and with their newest album coming out next Tuesday what better than to post a killer song by them. These Jacksonville Floridians kick out some sick jams and bummed they aren't playing here on the current tour. One day soon, I will finally catch these guys live.
myspace Evergreen Terrace
myspace Evergreen Terrace
Dirty South - Land of Donks
Down here in the dirty south we tend to have a lot of home grown items on many fronts. My good friend Ben kept telling me about "Donks" and I was thinking what the hell are you talking about. Then, just like the infamous crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, I had my "Crikey" moment. Driving right past us was a car with an unmistakable logo painted right across its doors in an attempt to be the hip hop Nascar crossover mobile, Febreeze fabric softener had taken pole position. I laughed, basically with snot coming out of nose in such a loud laugh I thought I might even cry. To top it off there was even a Febreeze box dangling from the rear bumper. In my mind I was justifying the style to think maybe he is leaving a fresh scent everywhere he goes. After that, another "crikey" moment hit me, when a tricked out old Chevy Chevette arrived painted up in Mountain Dew theme colors and style.
The designs are crazy as hell, but I gotta say damn interesting. The only thing I can think of is that they are the hip hop offshoot of Nascar. We have so many race teams proliferating the area with sponsorships all over their vehicles, so it was only a matter of time before they made onto the streets. The only odd one for me is that they mixed Nascar with monster trucks, but that just sweetens the tea a bit more.This is why I love the south, some things don't have to make sense, you just roll with it regardless. Hip Hop Cars

The designs are crazy as hell, but I gotta say damn interesting. The only thing I can think of is that they are the hip hop offshoot of Nascar. We have so many race teams proliferating the area with sponsorships all over their vehicles, so it was only a matter of time before they made onto the streets. The only odd one for me is that they mixed Nascar with monster trucks, but that just sweetens the tea a bit more.This is why I love the south, some things don't have to make sense, you just roll with it regardless. Hip Hop Cars

Thursday, September 24, 2009
19th Century Deep-Sea Diving Suit
Needless to say, here at Rusty Knuckles we are a fan of all things mechanical, and if its built from any type of metal, we dig it even more. In one of the many random paths that I find myself going down, somehow I came across this 120 year old diving suit. One might think it would have come from an obscure 50's outer space flick but not even close. It originated from the minds of Alphonse and Théodore Carmagnolle. After seeing the photos, its a work of art to behold and some damn fine craftsmanship. Gotta love those bulbous articulating elbow joints, wonder just how waterproof it was.
Musée National de la Marine

Musée National de la Marine

Build your own bike lift
I don't know about you guys but I am honestly tired of laying on the floor to fix my bikes or to even check them over thoroughly. Having my little Hobart 140 mig welder and a big imagination at my disposal, I thought why not build my own damn lift and save mucho dinero. Well, quite a few other folks thought the same notion and thankfully laid down some solid evidence to prove it can be done easily and with minimal effort. I can either pay for the blueprints or draw up my own and change as needed to fit my shop. Knowing how I operate, I will draw them up simply for the challenge. Luckily for me, the local steel shop will even deliver if you order a certain amount and will cut down the large sizes if needed. Here are a few photos from a fella on the Miller forum. Bad ass set up and he said it cost about $200 in supplies. Maybe I will have a lift operational before halloween, stay tuned...
Miller Welds Forum
Plans For Sale On Ebay

Miller Welds Forum
Plans For Sale On Ebay

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Scarlett Vixen - New Rusty Knuckles Shirt
Creating something new each day keeps me awake at night and yearning for more. Whether it be welding a piece of metal for body work or just using a sharpie to draw to my hearts content. To be honest, I consider it my crack addiction, that I sure as hell don't plan on ever giving up. This here drawing is a sketch that I had been thinking on for quite a while. After perusing quality "amateur" photos online of scantily clad women I finally found the pose I was after. I have a new series of shirts coming out and this is the first one of the batch. The theme I am working on is going to be a series of merch and soon to be made posters of pseudo 60's style B rated movie posters. A few will be biker themed and others, well lets just say hang tight, more on that soon, haha. This shirt is also now available on sweatshirts and short sleeve tshirts in our store.
Rusty Knuckles - Online Store

Rusty Knuckles - Online Store

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
HotRod Hoedown - Bensalem, PA
Finally got a chance to edit and fix up the photos from the Hotrod Hoedown outside of Philly, in Bensalem Pennsylvania. Was a killer event to check out and will do my best to make it again next year. Not as many bikes as I would have hoped, but there were some bitchin' rides that rolled through. The most interesting aspect of the entire event was the random vehicles that showed up. Granted the weather wasn't great until sunday and that's when the show cars started to arrive. I have never seen such a mixup of vehicles except at an auction. From four wheel drive jacked up El Camino's to show trucks to army vehicles, all were in the back lot. Also, it was a great mix of people, from artisans using junked parts to the folks that simply enjoy attending car events and of the course the Rockabilly people that were in force for the music. Great hospitality to boot, so I will make it official, Hotrod Hoedown 2010, here we come!
HotRod Hoedown

HotRod Hoedown
Monday, September 21, 2009
Surfing in China
For some reason I thought about surfing in China today. Had never really heard much about it, but thought, if on the tour with Crank County Daredevils next year and we roll through Asia, why not try to get out in the water if possible. What better way to kill some time than to check out surf spots around the world and plan trips, hells yeah. Gypsy Soul Surfing here we come. Surf China

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Maxton, NC - Land Speed Racing
Throughout the week the weather had been looking like a rainy weekend so I made other plans for saturday, but was holding out on getting down to Maxton to watch some land speed racing. Weather ended up turning out to be beautiful so saturday was spent working on the wiring on the cb650 cafe chop. Today I got up early and rolled on down to Maxton for some racing. Trevor, my newest riding pal, and I made quick time bolting down 95 with little to no traffic. But unfortunately a lot of folks were already heading out from the course as it turns out saturday is the big day of the meet. Next month we will definitely roll in the first day so we can catch some of the killer machines that are running and sitting in the pits. What I really dig about land speed racing is the wide array of bikes and cages that show up. Since you can run in so many different classes people arrive with all kinds of engineered rides to hopefully land a record in their class. The racers started to get blown out a bit with the wind but the fasted bike time I saw today was 217 mph. Dude was haulin ass and bike sounded like a severly pissed off hornet. Another group of guys were running tricked out S&S and Victory powered customs. If you closed your eyes they sounded just like a V8 roaring down the track. Truly a sight to behold.
East Coast Timing Association

East Coast Timing Association