Creating something new each day keeps me awake at night and yearning for more. Whether it be welding a piece of metal for body work or just using a sharpie to draw to my hearts content. To be honest, I consider it my crack addiction, that I sure as hell don't plan on ever giving up. This here drawing is a sketch that I had been thinking on for quite a while. After perusing quality "amateur" photos online of scantily clad women I finally found the pose I was after. I have a new series of shirts coming out and this is the first one of the batch. The theme I am working on is going to be a series of merch and soon to be made posters of pseudo 60's style B rated movie posters. A few will be biker themed and others, well lets just say hang tight, more on that soon, haha. This shirt is also now available on sweatshirts and short sleeve tshirts in our store. Rusty Knuckles - Online Store