Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Raleigh Rumble
There is a great event this weekend down here in Raleigh, North Carolina. Its called the Raleigh Rumble and is hosted by a ton-up style local club. The plan is to do a ride on Friday night to say hello and then Saturday is the big day with a bike show/swap meet/vendor rally. After the events earlier in the day there will be a cool after party at Slim's in downtown Raleigh with the bands Blood Red River, Straight 8's & Dirty Johnny and the Makebelieves. Come out to see some bitchin' bikes and meet some cool folks. We will be there with a table set up along with my '79 cb650 almost complete. Would have been done but needed a few more last minute parts on the electronics that had to be back ordered, damnit!