If ya haven't already heard, we are having quite the FREE showcase blowout during SXSW in good ol' Austin, TX at the Dirty Dog Bar. There are numerous sites catering to all that is SXSW and promoting the event and bands. We just launched our profile page on the Unofficial Insiders Guide to SXSW brought to you by SXSW Insider. If you are heading to the festival be sure to come by and have a beer on us, gonna be a great time. Also check the SXSW Insiders guide for other showcases and parties.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Stream Music on Facebook
As most folks already know, Myspace has deflated faster than Amy Winehouse's career. In the wake of losing out on a great resource to check out music and listen to bands far and wide, a killer new app called RootMusic has been created. We are utilizing RootMusic on the Rusty Knuckles Facebook page and have put it to test on many of the band pages by our favorite shit kickers.
With Facebook having just shifted their page design around, now check for the "tabs" section which used to be on the top of the pages, to the left side nav under the profile photo. Click on "BandPage" and stream all the Rusty Knuckles Music and share with everyone ya know. Dig into RootMusic as they offer a great product and make listening to music far easier on Facebook.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hellbound Glory - Viva La Francais!
Another raving review just came in from the French. They completely agree that Hellbound Glory needs to tour in Europe and that the latest album "Old Highs & New Lows" is pure scumbag country and made the way real country ought to be made. For those of you that can speak fluent French, get buck wild and translate the review. If ya can read French, the first person to post up the correct translation will win one brand new "Rooster" shirt from us. We do want a "correct" translation and not just a cut n' paste from any translation site...
Ce n’est pas que je n’aime pas Hellbound Glory. Non. A vrai dire, ils me laissent absolument indifférent. Pourquoi? Parce que je ne suis pas américain. Parce qu’il y a longtemps que je n’ai plus envie de jouer au cow-boy et parce que je ne conduis pas de camion.
Hellbound Glory est un groupe country/bluegrass originaire de la ville de Reno, dans le Nevada. Et ces quatre cow-boys ont beau passer pour des ‘outlaws’ dans leur pays d’origine (NDR : leurs lyrics pas vraiment ‘politiquement corrects’ ne sont pas avares de ‘fuck’ et de sujets qui requièrent probablement un avis parental), pour le commun des Européens, Hellbound Glory, ce n’est pas du rock, enfin pas plus que Dolly Parton ou Emylou Harris. Pourtant dans leur bio, les Américains avouent être influencés par le rockabilly. On n’en retrouve malheureusement aucune trace sur leur second album, « Old Highs & New Lows ».
L’année dernière j’avais pourtant passé un très bon moment en écoutant l’album « Killer Grass » d’Hayseed Dixie et ses reprises country/hillbilly hilarantes de Black Sabbath, Queen, Allman Brothers Band et bien d’autres. L’écoute d’« Old Highs & New Low » constitue donc un véritable calvaire pour mes oreilles réfractaires à tout ce qui s’approche de près ou de loin au générique de la série « L’homme qui tombe à pic ».
Si les disques de Hank Williams Senior, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, David Allen Coe, Merle Haggard et Willie Nelson ornent les rayons de votre cédéthèque, nous ne sommes probablement pas amis. Cependant, il y a de fortes chances pour que la musique d’Hellbound Glory vous fasse frémir le stetson et vous donne envie de chevaucher un pur-sang à travers les étendues sauvages du Far-West.
Howdy !
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hellbound Glory's Old Highs & New Lows - 5 Star Review From Holland
It looks like the folks over in Europe are chomping at the bit to get their fix of some scumbag country. They are looking to be over there later this year or early next, stay tuned for the Hellbound invasion!
Hellbound Glory's sound takes up where the original outlaw country singers left off! Self proclaimed as a Scumbag Country band these guys bring you some tradional country in a way country should be played. Think Hank III for that matter. Outlaw country, bits and pieces of bluegrass, some rockabilly and some honky tonk all blended into a simple sound, with simple lyrics. But face it, that's not the kind of music Nashville is producing anymore. Nevertheless the band is for the past three years on a continue touring shedule and has performed all over the USA in large venues and local dance halls.
Their sound is country as said already and the lyrics are done in the same traditional way Hank williams or Merle Haggard did them. Still everything sounds fresh and modern! Tunes like Why Take the pain (when I can take my pills), Hank Williams Records or One Way Track Marks defines the complete sound of this album. Songs about living the hard life of boozing, drugs, broken hearts and thoughts of suicide all of course brought with a big smile and some humor inherent in this life on the edge. Hard Livin Man is true cow-punk with major influences from bluegrass, while Slow Suicide takes us back to a typical country tearjerker. To Broke to Overdose and the Hiram Williams tune I'm Leavin Now are closing down this great album.
Old Highs & New Lows is truly fascinating country album done in the tradition of Hank Williams Sr., Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. Brought to you by some rookies who still think country music can be captivating and who self produced their album, Hellbound Glory is one of those bands who make a difference in music!
Out early January 2011.
Mr. Blue Boogie
Their sound is country as said already and the lyrics are done in the same traditional way Hank williams or Merle Haggard did them. Still everything sounds fresh and modern! Tunes like Why Take the pain (when I can take my pills), Hank Williams Records or One Way Track Marks defines the complete sound of this album. Songs about living the hard life of boozing, drugs, broken hearts and thoughts of suicide all of course brought with a big smile and some humor inherent in this life on the edge. Hard Livin Man is true cow-punk with major influences from bluegrass, while Slow Suicide takes us back to a typical country tearjerker. To Broke to Overdose and the Hiram Williams tune I'm Leavin Now are closing down this great album.
Old Highs & New Lows is truly fascinating country album done in the tradition of Hank Williams Sr., Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson. Brought to you by some rookies who still think country music can be captivating and who self produced their album, Hellbound Glory is one of those bands who make a difference in music!
Out early January 2011.
Mr. Blue Boogie
She Rides Interview - Dodging Traffic.com
Check out the interview below with George from She Rides...
Link to Article on DodgingTraffic.com
Posted on February 23, 2011
By AMP, DT Lead Music Columnist
Providence’s own She Rides will be embarking on an extensive tour of the US starting in March, highlighted by an appearance at Austin’s own South By Southwest festival, one of the year’s biggest symposiums of film, technology, and music in the country. I recently spoke to George Radford, one of the band’s guitar players about his thoughts on the tour, the band, and his experiences as a musician/jack of all trades for the variety of bands he plays in. George is an extremely personable and friendly guy, so don’t hesitate to say hi if you catch She Rides live, wherever they may be near you.
1. I heard you play in every band from Providence, RI. List ‘em.
I play guitar in she rides and sin of angels and I play bass in dropdead
2. You’re a very versatile guitarist, you play a lot of different styles of music. Who’s playing inspires you and motivates you in the variety of music you play?
I never got into the whole guitar hero worship thing. Everyone that is a solid player inspires me to get better. But in all seriousness the other guitar players in the bands I play in are huge motivators. Billy in She Rides fucking shreds. I’ll never be that good, but he went to Berklee (School of Music, Boston), so he’s definitely helped me understand music theory. Dave Booth (guitar, Sin of Angels) nails the solos I would play if I played solos. I never felt comfortable solo’ing but he’s pushing me to explore it more and in the new Sin of Angels songs I rip one.
3. Let’s talk about what’s going to be your main focus for the next few months on tour, She Rides. How did the band come together, and how long have you guys been at it?
She Rides is the natural evolution of a very tongue in cheek hardcore band I played in called PLAYGIRL. We lost founding members, got serious, changed the name and quickly mutated into the sleazy punk rock monster that is She Rides. We’ve been at it since 2006.
4. Recently, you guys hooked up with Rusty Knuckles, a North Carolina based music label. How did your relationship start with them, and how have they treated She Rides so far?
Coming up on a year ago at last year’s SXSW we played Headhunters (an Austin based bar) with our now label mates, Crank County Daredevils and they blew us away. Their manager (Ralph) who owns the label was there, caught our set, and liked it. Once we got home I immediately sent them a message to try to get more shows together and that’s how I starting talking to Ralph. He digs what we are about and what we sound like, so we decided to work together. so far it’s awesome. He’s a great dude that wants his bands to succeed, plus he’s just a phone call away. It’s a fairly new label so we’re looking to grow together. 2011 looks to be a pretty amazing year for Rusty Knuckles and She Rides.
5. Having read the itinerary for the tour, it seems quite extensive. Is this the first time you’ll be traveling a good majority of the US? If not, any good stories from previous tours you’d like to share?
We’ve done a full US tour before. Back in 2009 we did 45 days, came home for a week or two then toured down to SXSW 2009. After that, were supposed to go out on an even longer US tour but our old singer quit pretty early into it. So we came home, found a replacement (Dan Brown), recharged our batteries, played a few local shows and toured down to SXSW 2010. Since then, we’ve been writing and just playing regionally. Personally I can’t wait to get back out there for an extended amount of time. There is nothing I’d rather do than play music every night and see the world.
6. In addition to a guitarist, you’re also pretty much the marketing department for all your musical endeavors. Do you ever feel as though you stretch yourself thin with your musical and promoting responsibilities?
The only bands I really have responsibilities other than showing up and playing is She Rides. I definitely hype the shit out of She Rides cuz she’s my baby. I also do most of the booking. Ray (McCaffrey) is the man behind sin of angels, and Ben (Barnett) handles the Dropdead stuff.
7. Any bands that you desperately want to play some shows with?
Fuck shows I want to TOUR with ZEKE. Looks like they’re touring in 2011, So I’m crossing my fingers that the planets align and I get an email asking us if we’re available, Every Time I Die (the 2 shows we played with them were a blast), and a Howl, The_Network, She Rides package would be so much fun someone would probably die.
8. Who are some bands, local or otherwise, that you’re digging right now?
You caught me on a good night cuz I was going through a dry spell and not listening to anything. But I’ve been really digging Seven Sisters of Sleep, I’m revisiting the Converge catalogue cuz I kinda stopped caring around “You Fail Me.” I’ve heard the records since but didn’t really LISTEN to them. So, now I am. looking forward to the new one. As far as local stuff, Mouth of Flowers threw me for a loop in a really good way. They wear their influences on their sleeves without ripping them off. good stuff.
9. Is it hard juggling commitments between the various bands that you’re in? Do you find it hard to prioritize certain projects over others?
It can get stressful for me. I hate turning down shows because I’m already doing something with another band. I don’t like bumming people out. I don’t really prioritize it’s a “whoever books the show first is the one I’m playing deal.” Granted, if some amazing tour came up and I had to cancel a show with a band I’m sure they’d understand. Hopefully it never comes to that. I am booking She Rides tours around Dropdead shows in europe because they’ve been booked for a long time and it’s fucking Europe, a dream come true. I’m going to another country to play music!
I’d like to thank George for sitting down and answering my questions. Check out their new EP, available on Rusty Knuckles records, and catch them on tour, around here or somewhere in the US. For more info about She Rides, check out these links:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
She Rides - Album Review on Adequacy.net
Another solid review just came in for She Rides. Hells yes, we couldn't agree more with the review and stoked for all of their upcoming shows.
"Loud, dirty, punk rock thrown in with some bluesy, sweaty rock n roll equals She Rides. They leave a lingering taste that you’ll find hard to get rid of but will enjoy having around anyway. Their new EP Buy the Ticket is a no frills slice of pure rock, with four slabs of meaty noise, riffs, screaming guitars, and taunting vocals. The band challenges that if you are not here to enjoy yourself then get out of the way because there is nothing stopping their full on assault.
With notorious live shows that grabbed them support slots with the likes of Everytime I Die, Cancer Bats and Gallows, “how does their live energy convert to recordings?” was my thought going into this. The Rhode Island guys do not disappoint; the opening track “Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride” storms out of the blocks, driving guitars riding on a throbbing bassline as vocalist Dan Brown delivers bourbon soaked words dripping from his mouth.
The best way I can describe She Rides is to take a shot of Motorhead and a bit of The Bronx with a sometimes splatter of Thin Lizzy, make it messy with plenty of booze and body fluids and let it soak in. “Party In The Piss Kitchen” kind of sums it up and is one wicked tune, the highlight of the EP by far. “Oh Providence” and “Woah Dude!” make up the rest of the release, again both unrelenting assaults on your nerves and ears but leaving you wanting more and wishing this as an album instead of an EP.
She Rides may not be particularly original or ground breaking, but for good honest in-your-face rock n’ roll there cannot be many better around."
Leroy Virgil - World Coming To An End
No matter how many times I hear this song, its still great. Not too shabby of a recording and all done from a small Flip Camera outside of Stella Blue, after their show in Asheville, NC. Clint from Flat Tires is sitting to the right of Leroy. More new material coming from Hellbound Glory coming soon...
ANTiSEEN - Sweet Blood Call 7"
Just in case you have been stuck under a rock or been hiding out to avoid legal matters the new ANTiSEEN 7" with special guest Joe Buck will be arriving shortly. All the artwork has been posted, now here is a view of the final piece of the chapter, its the inside cover. Get them while you can as they will sell out quickly. We should be receiving them by the second week of March.
Buy It Here or simply go into the Antiseen store page on this here site
Monday, February 21, 2011
She Rides & Narragansett Beer = Party Music
It is no secret that the fellas in She Rides are about to do a full US invasion tour and wherever they go the suds will fly. Also it has come to our attention that they recently scored quite the sponsorship with a locally famous brewery out of Providence, RI called Narragansett Beer.
"It all started with John H. Fehlberg, Augustus F. Borchandt, Herman G. Possner, George M. Gerhard, Constand A. Moeller, and Jacob Wirth. In 1888, these local businessmen—”The Original Six”—came together to form the Narragansett Brewing Company. With $150,000 in capital and funds from Butterine (Fehlberg’s predecessor to margarine), a brick brewing house was built. In December of 1890, the first beer was produced, and the following year the company officially incorporated."
Beer and Rock N' Roll go hand in hand and with Hellbound Glory and Flat Tires being unofficially endorsed by Pabst Blue Ribbon, we are itchin' to taste some of the Gansett suds and let the good times roll. Hopefully the fine folks over at Narragansett will send them on the road and keep the van stocked with at least a kegerator. If they are so inclined we wouldn't mind a care package shipped south as well.
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Webster Hall in NYC on 11.3.10 with Every Time I Die, How and Trap Them |
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Webster Hall in NYC on 11.3.10 with Every Time I Die, How and Trap Them |
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Webster Hall in NYC on 11.3.10 with Every Time I Die, How and Trap Them |
ANTiSEEN - Florida Invasion
Antiseen invaded Florida this past weekend and the reports are in. There was blood shed, custom folding chairs, crazy Florida fans and Morbid Angel sitings. Photos by Jessica Kross and Eric Grant.
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Rockin' The Monterrey Club in Ft. Lauderdale |
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St. Petersburg, FL |
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Morbid Angel's David Vincent digs destructo punk |
She Rides - Write Up on Metal Army
With the new ep coming out world wide tomorrow we are getting word of solid reviews from many places. What the hell are yall waiting for, dig into She Rides! Buy the album from our store now, or wait until tomorrow and download from Itunes and numerous stores world wide.
"Displaying marked improvement from their early material-which was already pretty damn good-the latest EP from Providence’s She Rides pretty much presents the band as ready-and-fucking-able to take on the world with their hardcore-influence brand of hard rock swagger.
To be fair, the four tunes here on Buy the Ticket do their share at making sure most of the hardcore influences have be boiled out of the band’s music, replaced with a far more melodic, twin guitar sensibility reminiscent of Thin Lizzy. This is best displayed on the EP’s semi-self titled opening track, “Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride” which is by far the band’s best tune yet. Combining fist-raising harmonies and hair-raising aggression, the song embodies both the classic rock stateliness for which She Rides seems to be seeking, while also affirming the band’s ever-present punk rock roots.
Indeed, punk rock is still very much a factor here with She Rides, and this is affirmed more so on “Party In the Piss Kitchen,” an older song which seems to proclaim the band’s desire to go on an all night bender with Turbonegro than any luxurious, 70s rock tour bus ride.
“Oh Providence” brings things back to the Thin Lizzy tip-again with excellent dual guitar work-before ending things on an epic note with “Woah Dude!,” a nice, anthemic way to close things out, again featuring a nice riff arsenal.
Buy the Ticket is by far the best thing She Rides has done yet; a righteous, affirmative balancing of the band’s musical dedication and death-by-party ethos.
Rating: A"
Written by MetalGeorge
Jay Berndt - Tom Waits Tribute Providence
Ol' Jay Berndt is quite proud to be a part of the Tom Waits tribute up in Providence, so we hope that anyone in the area can make it out to the show. Should be a cool event and quite interested to hear from Jay the songs he will be covering and that of the other players as well. Really stoked that Tom is on his way into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame and proud to know him. We were fortunate enough to get to work with him a few years back on a couple of projects and became friends over never ending pots of coffee and talking on music and design. Miss hangin' with ya Tom!
More Info on the Tom Waits Tribute in Providence, RI
On the heels of Tom Waits's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, The 201 hosts a Tom Waits Tribute on April 1, 2011!
All proceeds will be donated to Amos House's Soup Kitchen.
Ben Pilgrim
Brown Bird
Jay Berndt
Jess Powers
last good tooth
Mark Cutler
Tai Awolaju
Tig & Bean
Tony the Bookie
Vudu Bevy
The Wrong Reasons
A Production of aboutonething.com
Sponsored by They're Using Tools!
Hosted by The 201
201 Westminster St.
Providence, RI, 02903
See also Tom Waits Tribute Somerville at P.A.'s Lounge:
All proceeds will be donated to Amos House's Soup Kitchen.
Ben Pilgrim
Brown Bird
Jay Berndt
Jess Powers
last good tooth
Mark Cutler
Tai Awolaju
Tig & Bean
Tony the Bookie
Vudu Bevy
The Wrong Reasons
A Production of aboutonething.com
Sponsored by They're Using Tools!
Hosted by The 201
201 Westminster St.
Providence, RI, 02903
See also Tom Waits Tribute Somerville at P.A.'s Lounge:
A couple of great tracks from Tom...
Ghost Rider Is Selling His Fenders
Perusing through ebay will find you just about anything under the sun. Needing some parts for the new street fighter build I typed in "sportster" in a random mix of queries and pulled up some great parts I needed. Then something else pulled up entirely that would make Mad Max smile, Koolsville Bikers are shivering in their iron worker boots and Ghost Rider apparently is working on a new build. I get the idea but damn, sometimes novelties should just stay as ideas.
SHE RIDES - World Wide Release 2.22.11
Tomorrow is a big day for Rusty Knuckles Music and She Rides. Their brand new ep is released worldwide from all of our distribution channels including small indie record stores that picked up the album to online through Target and Best Buy. If you haven't checked She Rides out, what the hell are you waiting for. With a full US tour coming up during March and April look for them to be invading your city sometime soon.
You can buy the album directly from our store, Itunes or even Best Buy
You can buy the album directly from our store, Itunes or even Best Buy
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Broadside Basement Sessions - Episode 1
With absolute delight, I am proud to be able to post the first full version of the Broadside Basement Sessions, with Jay Berndt of Moto Destructo Studios. This project has been a long road in the making and damn if I don't feel proud as all hell, to see Jay assemble an amazing ensemble of musicians, to create a vibe based solely upon the measured sum of its parts and how great they all gel together.
The Broadside Basement Sessions are an ongoing project, so check our YouTube page, Jay's Facebook page or this here blog to find out about updates. Each session will involve a revolving cast of musicians and the songs will eventually be available through itunes for immediate download after each session goes live. Look for upcoming episodes with a few musicians you might have heard of. More details on that soon and trust us when we say you might not quite believe who might pop up in a Broadside Basement Session.
Zombie Mosh - Board Game & Compilation
Variety is the spice of life and sometimes a project comes down the pike in which you get the chance to influence a new generation. Instead of letting the rugrats get influenced by the crap of shows of American Idol, Glee or any other glam pop shite that exists, show'em the good stuff. Yes, we are speaking about a new compilation and board game based around zombies tearing each other apart featuring tracks by ANTiSEEN, Green Lady Killers, She Rides and other notables such as The Accused, Raw Power and The Dehumanizers
We were contacted by Joe Pogo Records to see if any of the bands on the label have songs about zombies or moshing that could match the vibe of the game, which will cater to pre-teens. Three tracks were selected and now will be featured on a comp that is supplemental to the board game. Quite cool knowing that these tracks are on there from Rusty Knuckles Music:
Zombified - Green Lady Killers
Walking Dead - ANTiSEEN
Sleeping With Zombies - She Rides
Hellbound Glory - Review on The Hell Song
The music industry is at quite the crossroads, not just buy how we buy and listen to music but the genre bending and interests of the fans. Take for example Hellbound Glory, they just got a great review over on the The Hell Song. Rather amazing because if you scan down the reviews there is Drive By Truckers and Deicide, yes you saw it right. Glenn Benton and the satanic masses next to Hellbound Glory and Drive By Truckers, this is where change is coming. Fans are not seeking out music that is sold to them based on marketing demographics, shitty haircuts or celebrity driven entertainment shows. The Nashville pop retards must be shitting in their pants as they are realizing that true country music is coming from punks and metalheads. All we can say is that its about damn time as folks are waking up and realizing that real country has always been punk as hell. D.R.I, Metallica, Anthrax and many many more were part of the late 80's metal and hardcore crossover, now we are seeing it with country and punk and damn we love having been a part of both.
"Once again, the self-proclaimed scumbag country quartet from Reno NV delves into classic mid-70s style outlaw country music. Leroy and the boys fully incorporate the licks they've inhaled from listening to Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Flying Burrito Bros., Jerry Jeff Walker, and Willie Nelson records, but this time they've added depth and dimension to the songs by including banjo, fiddle, peddle steel and keyboards for a more traditional nod to the roots of country music. The 'throw caution to the wind' attitude is in full force though, with songs about excess drinking, drug use, suicidal thoughts, broken hearts and feelings of being beyond redemption, all the while managing to convey the humor inherent in these situations with a passionate full-throttle delivery. These are rowdy fun loving songs managing to mesh the best of the past into a contemporarycontext."
Biker Metric - Rusty Knuckles Writeup
Thanks to Trent over at Biker Metric for thinking of us and doing a solid writeup on all we do, here is the post in it entirety.
do you like music? do you like rock-n-roll music? how about hillbilly agro? or simple one-man-and-his-guitar tunes? do you understand that johnny cash was the first punk rocker?
then you will dig rusty knuckles.
and i haven't gotten to the motorcycle part yet.
rusty knuckles is a custom merchandise company and a record label which reflects the bands and lifestyle which exemplify the mindset of, um, fuck you, you god damned yuppie prick.
or something like that. i made the last part up. rusty will let me know if it isn't true.
their mindset is punk rock, fuck you if you hate, and be aware that dichotomy is violence vs. poems paraphrased from jesus. it is the world we live in and rusty knuckles produces the green lady killers. they are two of my favorite bands from rusty's long list of kickass motherfucking music:
rusty knuckles promotes bands and musicians that kick ass. not over-produced crap for mass consumption that parents of teenagers approve of because they are too busy calling psychiatrists seeking medication for the kids they'd rather drug than become involved with.
have you ever contemplated, "should i spend my last five bucks on food or on getting more fucked up?" i have. and as i write this the last inch of my 40 ouncer is being guzzled through a throat dionysus would envy.
rusty knuckles bands has contemplated that great dilemma, and this is what happened.
all bands should own their music and rusty works directly with each band to bring forth the vision they feel within them. they don't tell them what to do. rusty finds what the band wants to be.
rusty knuckles is currently working with crank county daredevils:
leroy virgil:
hellbound glory:
jay berndt:
she rides:
and the green lady killers. yeah. you wanna fuck them. i bet they don't care.
you gotta band? rusty knuckles designs, markets from print to social media, album packaging, custom garments and brand outreach blah blah blah. you have something real and true, go to rusty knuckles and prove it.
rusty digs clients from the custom motorcycle, hotrod and entertainment industry and brags of past clients from tom waits, the boston celtics, ufc, the chicago bulls, hurley clothing, mtv, and others too numerous to brag about since the bragging was just done.
them's braggin' rights. i'm diggin. even though the celtics and bulls suck.
trent = PHX suns fan.
if rusty knuckles isn't busy working on new ideas, drawing band shirt designs, or creating album packaging, they are downstairs wrenching on their ever-increasing array of custom motorcycles and plotting the next road trip.
here is a pic from tim bradham 's shop, dresch frame:
and if you're hiting sxsw this march, hit the dirty dog to see these bands:
also, while in austin, drunk and hungry, get your food anywhere but casino el caminio. go to franks, or the jackalope. eat more and pay less without the attitude from people who are all from l.a. and the northwest who pretend they're locals and act like you're lucky to be in their bar.
plus, rats won't have run over your burger the night before when the meat was left out. how do i know? i opened that place for 20 months. eat rat meat like it's chicken, pay eight bucks for it, or go somewhere else.
if you do go just to get the vibe of "how to get ripped off" ask bartender joe lifto when was the last time he got a boner. tell the owner, casino, he's a crook and i'm coming for him.
goodness. revenge makes me want to put a sweater on 'cause i'm chilly.
but hey, everybody who works there can tell you who is there to buy a twenty bag of half-assed coke from. so they've got that going for them.
not that you want to do that. if you mention my name they will tell you i'm a liar and a drunk. only half of that is true. so, from the dirty dog, walk up 1/2 block on neches from this concert to visit lovejoy's. it's nice there. the real bikers are there. you can tell by the machines parked in front.
as for the dirty dog, the bar with the stage that will be playing all of rusty's bands? they are cool with me. you might even see a large bikerMetric banner hanging from the rafters from the party we had there last summer.
now for something about revolution:
"some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness positively by uniting our affections, the latter negatively by restraining our vices. the one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. the first is a patron, the last a punisher."
- thomas paine, "common sense"
rusty knuckles produces artists who understand this principle.
now for more motorcycles. ralph, the man behind rusty knuckles, built a wicked troublemaker out of a rare honda cb650. yes cb650. according to ralph, he "had a bitch of a time finding parts and had to make quite a bit of shit to get it right."
that's what it's all about. fighting and getting it right.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Rusty Knuckles SXSW Showcase
Dirty Dog Bar,
Green Lady Killers,
Hellbound Glory,
Rank and Revue,
Reno Divorce,
She Rides,
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Jefe's Coupe - The Road To Vegas
What you are seeing here is the recently finished Coupe that will be tearing up the roads all the way to Vegas in April. Yours truly will be riding shotgun and after the initial test ride the other day I can attest, its loud and damn if it ain't comfortable. With the chassis by Tim Bradham Chassis Works its a certifiable race car and ready for two thousand miles of abuse to Vegas and then another two thousand back. All this effort will be for the Task Force Dagger Foundation to help wounded combat soldiers to ultimately help raise money and awareness for the armed forces. More details on benefit shows to come and details about the trip, stay tuned.
Hellbound Glory - Rooster Shirt Now Available
After the success of Old Highs & New Lows, it was time to create a new shirt for the fellas. The rooster has been quite popular amongst a lot of fans so we created the art to work on a tshirt. A drunk rooster on a weather vein pointing to Reno is hard not to like. The same can be said for the best damn scumbag country band hittin' the bars and honky tonks in any neck of the woods. Do yourself a favor and see Hellbound Glory live its truly an experience.
Rooster tshirt is now available in the Hellbound Glory Store