With this overtone on the new Street Fighter build, I plan on keeping the original Buell frame but modifying significantly the swing arm, tail section and overall finish. The frame is already great and has a lot of flex with the tubular structure, so why fix what isn't broke? But what I am really pushing for in the styling is a streamlined mechanical finesse. I want the bike to look overly mechanical and interesting. For years builders have been trying to hide the lines to streamline every single angle. Screw that, I want folks to walk around the bike and be interested in seeing a braided steel oil line or riveted tank. Mucho thanks goes out to Jules Verne, the Nautilus has been stuck in my head for years thinking on this idea for a build. Have a look at some Steam Punk and overtly mechanical bike builds by Chicara and AMD Bike Building Champ Dave Cook. Cook Customs is hands down my absolute favorite bike builder, would dig picking his brain for hours.
Steampunks on Wikipedia
Chicara - Custom Builder
Dave Cook - Custom Builder