Sometimes life just calls out and says to take action. My buddy Lance told me about another friend of his by the name of Lee Bender who was in need of serious help in a battle with Multiple Sclerosis. For a brief moment I felt powerless to do anything, then survival gear kicked in and I crafted an email over to Lee asking him if there was anything we could do to help out. Needless to say its not about giving up rent, but offering a few bucks up here and there which could be your beer money for the night. If 11,000 us all give a dollar, we can get him to Poland to get the special treatments which may help him cure the disease. Or if you feel inclined to give some extra help, please donate on his site or buy a skate deck from Real Skateboards, with art by legendardy skater Lance Mountain, below to help out. Lee is a fellow skater and biker and we need to take care of our own. Please help Lee in his battle with Multiple Sclerosis. Life is short so pay it forward and help those in need, plus I need to see more of his alley oop grinds, which still elude me!