No matter what shirt you buy or graphic that is emblazoned onto anything, it has to be printed in one way or another. For all the products created over here at Rusty Knuckles we take extra care in how the items are produced and absolute stickler for detail. Its those little nuances that make all the difference when it comes to design and product quality. Check out my buddy Matt making progress on all the new merch we just produced for Rusty Knuckles, Flat Tires and Wrench Works. Coming up for a bunch of our 7inch releases with Antiseen, Joe Buck, Flat Tires and more we are doing all silk screen posters to go with the records. Each will be signed and numbered by band and the artist, which just happens to be yours truly. See yall at Heavy Rebel this weekend.
If you are interested, here is a bit of the backstory on the history of screen printing and or printing in general, its quite fascinating how it changed communication forever, just click on the link below. More on Screen Printing