More of Tom's chop on Rusty Knuckles Flickr Page
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Tom's Ironhead Part 2
Needless to say, Tom is working frantically to get his chop done as a running but not yet completed bike by the Smokeout on June 25 - 26, here in North Carolina. His new custom gas tank is off being tig welded and here is the oil tank he has been working like a madman on. It matches the frame lines perfectly and looks damn good. Stoked to see how the whole bike is going to turn out. Shitload more work to go of course but if he can at least have a runner to get him through the summer, will be set to really finesse it this winter.
More of Tom's chop on Rusty Knuckles Flickr Page

More of Tom's chop on Rusty Knuckles Flickr Page