Hey Y'all, here we go with another installment of my not so consistent blog. Big news in the ANTiSEEN camp is that the GG ALLIN & ANTiSEEN picture disc is now in stock!!!! Only 500 pressed folks, so order up NOW!!!! We got a few shows coming up in the next couple of weekends. See the flyer below for cities and club address.

In Myrtle Beach , SC on Sept 24th we will have the pleasure of sharing the stage once again with longtime pals BAZOOKA JOE who have recently reformed after many years hiatus.The next night in Jacksonville, FLA we will be with GHOSTWITCH FAMILY BAND and others. Next weekend on Oct.1st (which officially 27 years since our very first show) we will be in Columbia, SC and then on to Columbus, Ohio to play a show put on by our old pal from the legendary SERIAL KILLERS and DWARVES crew member and all round Pro Wrestling Expert PAUL BEARER. We will also be sharing the stage with a band we played with on our first ever East Coast tour, The Cheater Slicks. The show is FREE so come on out!!!!!

w/ Paul Bearer at the now legendary DWARVES/ ANTiSEEN show in Charleston, SC.
Last time we talked a little about Wrestling. Got a few comments (not ENOUGH!!!!) so as part of this blog every week (yeah right!) Im gonna try to share some of my Wrestling memories and memorabilia with you rubes!!!! THIS....is one of my prized possessions. Terry Funk mailed this to us after we mailed him a copy of our tribute song to him FUNK U.

And Ive always said you can tell how much you'd get along with someone just by looking at their record collection." Cool" people do have "cool" records , right? Well, look at what Abdullah the Butcher has in HIS collection!!!!

Speaking of records.....RUSTY KNUCKLES has some good shit lined up for all of you these next few months. In addition to the GG/ASEEN pic disc being available now, so is the JOE BUCK YOURSELF / FLAT TIRES split single!!!! AND as if that is not enough, soon you will have in your hands the newest ANTiSEEN single SWEET BLOOD CALL b/w BLACK EYED SUSIE which will also feature, oddly enough, JOE BUCK!!!!

Me and Joe Buck on the Spring Tour 2009, Oklahoma City

ON STAGE w/ ANTiSEEN & Joe Buck, Spring tour 2010, Milwaukee, Wis.
Well, fall is just around the corner and we have some real treats for you trixters this coming Halloween.....Stay tuned and I'll tell ya all about it next time....goddamnit.