The ROCK 'N' WRESTLING Connection
Rusty Ralph has been gettin' on me about keeping these blogs happening a little more regular so I just took a look through some old pictures and pulled a few out for your enjoyment.

wrestling's "profound effect" on me.
It's no big secret that much of the ANTiSEEN "thang" evolves around what I consider to be the SPORT OF KINGS...Professional WRESTLING, or WRASSLIN' as it's referred to in these parts. Now I know you think that your gonna have to hear a lot of "back in my day" gibberish and you would be RIGHT!!!! I don't know what it is, but today's product just don't grab me like the programs I watched growing up. With all the great production values, pyrotechnics, giant screens, muscle bound gym lords and implant mama's in today's product I still prefer to see two guys battling it out in the squared circle with just a few white lights shining down in the ring. Nothing and I do mean NOTHING in today's television programs (HD or not) can muster up the excitement like seeing The Original SHEIK and the Madman from the Sudan ABDULLAH the BUTCHER locking up and ripping each others flesh with pencils, forks or any old shard of wood found on the way to the ring and watching that crimson mask form right before your eyes!!! My brother and I were traumatized (in a good way...if there is indeed a GOOD way to be traumatized) by seeing Abdullah make an appearance in the Mid Atlantic area and attack Chief Wahoo McDaniel trying to take out his EYE!!!! Well, the announcers along with the guys in the ring made us believe 100% that was indeed the intent. I had never seen that much REAL blood in my life at that point. It had a profound effect on me to say the least..... At school the following week thats all my friends and I could talk about!! Ahhhh memories.
Here are a few photos of me/us getting to meet the man himself at his Atlanta based reasturant called Abdullahs House of Ribs & Chinese Food - 2387 Fairburn Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30331

Now don't get me wrong folks, I aint taking anything away from the performers of today. I have the utmost respect for any and ALL combatants that have laced up the wrestling boots (even HOGAN!!!). I guess it's all in perception. The age at which you discover such things. The late 70's early to mid 80's were a magic time for me as far as the SPORT OF KINGS goes......GODDAMN, why dont some of you comment with some wrestling stories of your own on here. Past or present. Who got you "hooked"? Who are your favorites? Why?
Here is a list of some of my all time favorites (in no particular order) Im sure I'll leave someone out when I see yalls lists:
1. Ric Flair
2. Brusier Brody
3. Cactus Jack (known to many of you as Mick Foley)
4. The Andersons (Ole & Gene)
5. Abdullah The Butcher
6. Terry Funk
7. Sabu
8. The Masked Superstar
9. Blackjack Mulligan
10. Stan Hansen
Man...so many great names...I could list 100!!!

w/ the Boogie Woogie Man " Handsome Jimmy Valiant"
All this talk of wrestling reminds me to inform YOU that in the near future you will able to get your hands on a CD collection of all ANTiSEEN's wrestling tributes along with all new recording right here at RUSTY KNUCKLES in a collection that will titled FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE! Hows that for a teaser??!!! OK I'll try to keep this thing current and hopefully write about some crap you consider interesting. BTW.....going to see the Crazed Country Rebel HANK III tomorrow night in Spartanburg, SC. I any of yall are there come on up and say hi!!!!
Til next time.....

w/ HANK III. I dont know what we were talking about. It looks like Im trying to convince him to put on a little weight!!!