Read original review from YabYum Music
The Green Lady Killers - Linger On by RustyKnuckles
The Green Lady Killers - My 45 by RustyKnuckles
"Here’s to younger men, threats of violence, robust and lusty women, and unrestrained rocknroll! The valley’s preeminent girl-group, The Green Lady Killers, traipses across gender lines with the total disregard for convention in the name of rugged rock… but this isn’t going to be another feminist tirade on the conventions of women in the music industry.
I will admit it’s a bit of a boys’ club down here at YabYumMusic. So when it came time to draw straws for coverage rights of the Killers, I decided to claim some hierarchal privileges and avoid any masculine posturing… call it a managerial decision. As a woman I thought I would be less likely to fall for the sucker-punch combo of red lipstick and guitar-wielding chicks. I was wrong.
Now I adhere to a personal philosophy I like to call New Wave Feminism. Not a big fan of the earlier “waves” I opt for a system based on equal exploitation, uncontained women, Anna Karina, and French New Wave Cinema. The Green Lady Killers embody this spirit. They’re simultaneously ferocious and kittenish without need to differentiate. Yes, I am the toughest person in the room. Yes, this is my pink handbag. Where do you think I hide my gun?
The Green Lady Killers’ 2010 release Just Fine opens hard and loud to a vicious beat and singer Lady Van Buren’s half-growl. Throughout anthems proclaiming explosions, dance floors, and the sexual objectification of everyone, the band holds to the feisty rock that lights up their live shows. Annie Venom adds her rockabilly flair on bass while Van Buren lashes out on guitar. Cherrybomb is hard to miss on drums but likely not to be accused of any Meg White-weakness. From start to finish she keeps the energy up for Killers and crowd alike.
The pseudonyms threw me at first. After speaking to them offstage then catching the act, it became clear that the Green Lady Killers might not be the same people in both places. Sweet as pie upon introduction, Lady Van Buren gets mean ten minutes later onstage. I swear she flashed some crazy eye a couple of times. After the show, it was flowers and sunshine again.
Get out to one of their shows. Get drunk and rowdy but don’t get to close to the ladies on stage, talk to them after the show. I think they bite."
- Carly Schorman
Yab Yum Music